Our Members
GRAVA attracts staff and professionals from a variety of organizations, both large and small, from the Greater Richmond area.
Who we are.
GRAVA members hold a wide range of roles and job functions: volunteer directors and coordinators, board members, fund development officers, campus leaders trainers, community leaders, and yes, even volunteers themselves!
Where we work.
GRAVA members represent 50+ Richmond area organizations, both big and small. The organizations represented include FeedMore, HandsOn, Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, SPARC, the SPCA, local hospitals, museums churches, libraries, and governments.
Why we're here.
GRAVA members span the range of career stages and experience in the field: from new hires looking to learn the basics of volunteer management to seasoned nonprofit professionals who have held their CVA credential for years. All are welcome! Everyone has something both to offer and to learn.