Program FAQs
What? Workshops are run by invited speakers who are local experts in topics relevant to volunteer management. Designed to provide members with bite-sized, tangible resources to apply immediately in their everyday practice. Workshops will provide content and exercises for real world-skills with the potential for immediate application.
When? GRAVA holds monthly membership meetings from 8:30am-10:30am on the first Thursday of every month (except July, August and December). The first 30 minutes are reserved for breakfast and networking, followed by a 90-minute program.
Where? Workshop meetings are held at the United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg, 7814 Carousel Ln STE 400, Richmond, VA 23294.
How much? Free for members, $10 for non-members at the door. Cost includes breakfast and plenty of coffee!
Interested in serving as an expert facilitator or know someone who would? Interested in having your organization host a GRAVA meeting with space to accommodate 50-60 people? Contact GRAVA.